Europe Citizens Protest Ukraine Aid Over Citizens Needs

Europe Citizens Protest Ukraine Aid Over Citizens Needs

Europe’s People In Streets Protest Ukraine Aid Over Citizens Needs

Jeffrey Sachs, from Columbia University, explains how we have divided the world. He goes over the promises of NATO expansion which provoked the war in Ukraine. He schools Quest from CNN. All this has not only divided the world but the governments are crushing the very values they claim to promote. We have written on the hidden agenda that started the war.

All across Europe the people are at odds with their governments and are now protesting in the streets. In Italy 1000’s of protesters in Italy and Belgium turned violent. France, Germany, Italy, Romania, Greece, UK, Czech Republic for unprecedented showering of money on Ukraine while the citizens are struggling just to breath. While oil, gas, water, generators, money, arms, and munitions are being poured into Ukraine these countries are fueling inflation and lack of all the things they are giving FOR FREE to Ukraine.

Ukraine is a symbol of European suffering.

G20 Nations Back RussiaRecently the lies being foisted by mass media was shown when Indonesia held the recent G20 meeting. When the world actually got together half the world of G20 was told to tame the rhetoric against Russia. The only black point was when a non G20 member joined by video, the Ukrainian liar Zelensky who used it to pound Russia, declare he will never discuss peace, and beg for more money, more arms, more food, more of everything the world used to give their own citizens.




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