Where is Khashoggi?

Where is Khashoggi?

Where is Khashoggi?

It is a question on some peoples minds while those in the know, close to crown prince Salman, do not have to question it.

What we know about Khashoggi

The fact is Khashoggi went into the Saudi embassy in Turkey and never was seen, as a human, leaving. Our sources tell us of the torture and eventual murder was done under the oversight of top Saudi forensic military officers. They were seen entering the nation with several other high officials and going into the embassy. Later they left in a convoy and have returned to Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Involvement in Dismemberment

Sources, that insist on anonymity, tell us the only thing left is his head, which was flown to Riyadh and now reposes in the princes palace. A sign to any other journalist that contradicts the Saudi royal family.

Where are Khashoggi’s remains?

The rest of Khashoggi was made into various dishes of halal meat and served to staff. There will be no evidence to find and the mystery will always remain, as long as the Turks do not turn over their covert tapes.

What is the USA Response?

Trump was quick to assure that we will not jeopardize the 100’s of billions of dollars the Saudis are contracted to the military industrial complex and that trade and its’ jobs will continue. The intelligence community does not believe the Saudis will ever use these weapons we sell them against us and assure us that there are built in “safe guards” if that should ever happen. I guess they mean a kill switch?

What will happen?

While the outcome is already written the world is left reeling in the horrid realities of today’s politics. In the end both the Saudi’s and Trump will wait out the storm and without a body there is no crime.

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