Olaf Scholz Wants Arab Gas – Gets Covid

Olaf Scholz Wants Arab Gas – Gets Covid

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz tests positive for COVID

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz secured just one shipment of liquefied natural gas from the United Arab Emirate. Returning home Olaf Scholtz he finds he got COVID and gas, but not the gas for energy.

After traveling to the kingdom of UAE, humbling himself before the despotic princes and kings in the non-democratic family run organizations, Scholz only secured one small ship of LNG. Germany has no ports ready for LNG, but it may arrive and sit on the ship for months. But more bad news, the ship will not even leave with the pitiful amount of LNG until sometime in 2023.

This was after stops in other despotic nations like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, etc, where no other deals were had but a lot of talk.

Scholz is desperate to secure energy after shooting himself in the foot sanctioning Russian gas claiming the democratic Republic of Russia is not reliable after Germany stopped the Nord Stream II under USA pressure. This is costing Germany billions in fines for non-completion of the pipeline with its’ international partners.  After the EU Commission reamed him royally he now commits to shooting the economy down the drain for Ursala von der Leyen.

Sholtz is trying to find reliable sources but few exist so he turns to despotic dictator kingdoms with no freedoms or human rights. History has shown that Arab nations, under the leadership of despotic dictators, have no interest in human rights are not as reliable as Russia. But, they are “approved” by the USA for business.

Germany is ready to close the VW Plants in Eastern Europe to assure that the company can survive. Plans to move those operations, who will soon have no power to manufacture, located in Eastern Europe even though the workers in those countries may block their departure. Things are getting complicated but the comedy and the war against Russia continues.

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