NY City and Bill de Blasio Ready to Join the Removal Bandwagon

NY City and Bill de Blasio Ready to Join the Removal Bandwagon

Bill de Blasio ready to join the democratic party removal bandwagon

The latest for New York City is indicative of the desire of many democratic party members to take apart all reminders of history. De Blasio stated he may order the removal of the city’s landmark statue of Christopher Columbus from the famed Columbus Circle at the entrance to Central Park. All around the nation, wherever there are democratic controlled mayors, there is a rising call to take down all statues that commemorate any statue commemorating anything that might have been offensive to anyone, including that of the explorers who discovered America.

Melissa Mark-Viverito, the city council speaker and a supporter of Mr de Blasio, said: “Christopher Columbus is a controversial figure to many of us particularly in the Caribbean and I think that that has to be looked at, when you have to look at history we have to look at it thoroughly and clearly.”

Another group of Jewish activists have demanded that Mr de Blasio order the removal of a statue in the city of Peter Stuyvesant, claiming he was an anti-Semitic Dutch governor of New York.“Peter Stuyvesant was an extreme racist who targeted Jews and other minorities including Catholics and energetically tried to prohibit them from settling in then New Amsterdam,”

Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, head of the Shurat HaDin-Israel Law Center.
Some say this is a slippery slope that will end with the removal of all historical monuments.

Others, like Joe Piscapo say remove them and replace them with famous baseball figures like Joe DiMaggio. But that wont sit well in Chicago where they want to replace statues with figures of Minnie Miñoso and the Kingfish.

NYCTV says, get over it, learn how to live and work well with others!

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