Boris Johnson Continues Government Legacy

Boris Johnson Continues Government Legacy

Boris Johnson Shows The World

Boris Johnson made a big show of his unfounded proof that Russia was complicit in a recent UK poisoning of a cold war spy. Not since Colin Powell displayed the infamous WMD that Iraq never had has a government been shown as liars to create wars.

Boris, the clown, Johnson said in a TV interview on March 24th:
‘The people from Porton Down, the laboratory, they were absolutely categorical. I asked them that myself. I said ‘Are you sure?’. He said ‘There’s no doubt’.’

Not to be outdone, the Queen’s government issued a statement: “Analysis by world-leading experts at the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory at Porton Down made clear that this was a military-grade Novichok nerve agent produced in Russia.”

A week later Porton Down scientists stated they had not verified the source of the Novichok nerve agent believed to have been used in the March 4 attack on Sergei and Yulia Skripal.

Walking in the footsteps of Secretary of State Colin Powell, Johnson holds up a vial that he described as one that absolutely contains Novichok made in Russia - Total fake
Walking in the footsteps of Secretary of State Colin Powell, Johnson holds up a vial that he described as one that absolutely contains Novichok made in Russia – Total fake

Well, like Colin Powell, the evidence and the shallow propaganda being flouted by top UK diplomat Boris Johnson was shown to be false, misleading, and showed both Johnson and the Queen’s government utterly incompetent and complicit in staged and falsified evidence to create a further split with Russia.

To be perfectly honest, the Queens government has since deleted the announcements and is trying to hide its lies and war mongering efforts with new platitudes designed to confuse everyone. They now want to frame the whole lie as merely an exaggeration.

The Queen should be embarrassed. The question remains; When will they investigate the only nation capable and known for clandestine attacks – Israel?

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