Fernando Carpaneda Extreme Sculptor

Carpaneda sculptor

Brazilian born Fernando Carpaneda is an incredible clay sculptor. His themes are of the human form in its normal activities. Let me put it in his own words:

“I make portraits of rent boys, punks, junkies, thieves and outcasts… Instead of attaching myself to muses, I focus on male nudes to compose my art pieces, having the human being, the masculine, as my main goal in my work.

All my portraits are like a relic, a holy place, a moment caught in time. I use objects that have a connection to the portrayed person to composing my work, such as cigarette butts, condoms, beer cans, underwear, semen, and empty toothpaste boxes. In other words, things, that are part of these people’s real world, and my own. I use such objects and remains as a beginning for my portraits”

The absolute realistic miniature sculptures are rapturous and amazing. I was stunned.

The talent of Fernando’s eye is only matched by the execution with his hands bringing forth creations that will threaten your idea of real and imaginary. Surrealistic reality based construction brought to staggering heights.

You have the opportunity still see the artist works at Exhibition Detail Group Show Art Into Action – Action Into Art Curated by: Walker Fee Theater for the New City Gallery 155 First Avenue @ 10th Street New York, NY 10003

Carpaneda sculptor
May 20th – June 20th

You can also Watch some video from the art opening

Fernando Carpaneda Artist Profile


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