EU Aggression With Belarus a Focus on Hypocrisy

EU Aggression With Belarus a Focus on Hypocrisy

Bomb scare Plane Diverted to Minsk

A plane heading to Lithuania from Athens, Greece, was flying over Belarus at the time of a diversion due to a bomb threat. As with all bomb threats to aircraft this flight was diverted to Minsk airport as it was in Belarus airspace. According to the NY Times the diversion was only to arrest a ‘prominent opposition journalist’ named Roman Protasevich and called it an act of piracy.

The EU ready to attack

  • Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Commission, the E.U.’s executive body, called the plane’s diversion “utterly unacceptable.”
  • The Greek Foreign Ministry called it a “state hijacking.”
  • Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki of Poland called it an “act of state terrorism.”
  • Germany’s foreign minister, Heiko Maas, said that “such an act cannot remain without clear consequences.”
  • French foreign minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian, called for a “firm and unified response” by the E.U.
  • The US secretary of state, Antony J. Blinken, said: “We strongly condemn the Lukashenko regime’s brazen and shocking act to divert a commercial flight and arrest a journalist. We demand an international investigation and are coordinating with our partners on next steps.”

Reality Check shows EU Hypocrisy and NY Times Fakery

These same people and fake news outlets had no problem when the EU and USA diverted, and forced the jet of president Evo Morales of Bolivia as it flew over the EU, all at the demand from the USA. Spain, France, Portugal, Italy and Austria conspired to pirate the plane for the USA. There was no outcry, no sanctions, no sanctimonious proclamations were to appear for the piracy of a small nations presidential plane? That seems “utterly acceptable” by EU, NY Times fake news and US government standards. Perhaps if Roman was the president of a nation Belarus would not be sanctioned even if they found this criminal on board?

What Is Belarus?

Minsk Protest Where is Waldo
Where is Waldo? No blacks or migrants here!

Belarus, a nation where there are no black lives to matter, the streets have been recently filled with blond haired, blue eyed, barbie doll woman protesting the elections. Just do a search for Belarus protests fill streets and, like the old Where is Waldo, try and find any blacks, Arabs, or anything of the like. In fact, it is more like a parade of Barbie’s, young woman, smattering of men and mostly blondes. Is it any wonder that the nation is divided when you have an old world mentality meet with Wokeism? I can’t imagine what will happen in Belarus if their borders open to migrants fleeing the destructive war the EU creates in the Middle East and Africa.

Belarus is facing division and funding from outside its’ borders

Inside Belarus you find a society of city and country dwellers. The nation is vastly white, northern European, highly religious, and one might say locked in the past. It had recently banned homosexuality in all forms, and has never allowed immigration. It is obvious

Who is Roman Protasevich?

Roman Protasevich is a political blogger. He is active in promotion of the anti-government movement in Belarus but for over 6 years has been living in Lithuanian exile. He knows he faces imprisonment in Belarus, his home country, where he is accused of inciting hatred and mass protests, he faces more than 12 years in prison if convicted. He was instrumental in the organization of many of the large violent protests in Belarus leading young, white, and liberated with funding from the EU and USA. He might be compared to the activists arrested and charged in the US Jan 6 protests from the organization Q-anon. But then you might not be as embracing of the story being foisted from mass fake news that we should be sympathetic to those who incite others to carry out violence while sitting in luxury living in other countries.

The EU, NATO, and USA Want That Border

The EU, for its’ part, is madly desirous to be seen as some kind of power house in the eyes of the USA, trying to inflict damage in any way on this nation and gain favor with the USA while funding the coming violent confrontations. Why? To show they have some power against poorer nations on its’ eastern border and to try and drive a wedge between Russia and Belarus in a bid to gain closer access to the Russian borders?

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