Conspiracy Exposed At Democratic National Party Level

What We Know About The DNC Primary Rigging.

With the latest revelations and exposure of nefarious emails showing the Democrat Party collusion with the press people are now questioning if both Sanders and Trump are correct that the system is rigged. NYCTV has dug into the machinations of the people who helped Clinton gain the nomination through coercion, deceit and outright interference in the process.

wasserman2At the head of the table is none other than Wasserman Schultz who directed the major part of the evil manipulation of the press and interfered with Bernie Sanders reporting to make negative press while supporting the candidacy of Hillary Clinton. Once exposed the faux Democratic Party actually booed her and it looked as if she resigned in disgrace. But that was not the case. Wasserman Schultz merely walked down the hall into the arms of Hillary Clinton who rewarded her nefarious interference in the process by hiring her to head he election campaign at double the salary!

In bed with the Clinton campaign were the press including CNN. Wasserman Schultz was in constant contact with CNN to the point where their head political ken vogelwriter, Ken Vogel was supplying his stories first to the DNC for approval before sending the final approved (by the DNC or Hillary) to his editors for inclusion.

Ken Vogel, former Soro’s employee contributor to vile hit pieces at Politico.

Politico reporter Ken Vogel sent a pre-publication negative copy of a story April 30 to the DNC’s deputy communications director, Mark Paustenback, before his own editors.

jake tapper cnnAdditionally DNC head of Broadcast Media was feeding CNN Jake (Jason) Tapper with questions to ask Bernie Sanders to embarrass him. All this overseen by Jason Seher editor and contributor to CNN Political Ticker. Maybe you did not know that CNN president Virginia Moseley is married to former Hillary Clinton’s Department Secretary Tim Nides? We are talking seriously in bed with the media we watch and have no chance of getting real unbiased news.

Now wmark paustenbacke come to Mark Paustenback, deputy communication czar for the DNC. Mark was spending his time supplying stories and questions as well as editing for CNN writers. The infamous Ken Nogel supplied all his stories first to Paustenback for edit and the DNC made sure it made short shift of Sanders and promoted Clinton.

Mark Paustenback was former Manager of External Communications at Promontory Financial Group LLC, Promontory did the cover up for British bank Standard Chartered when it was accused of violating U.S. sanctions on Iran.

“The asshole from fox emailed us again,” Paustenback wrote.

These are only a few of the manipulation by the DNC working to destroy the chances of Bernie Sanders getting the nomination. There are many more and you are invited to go to Wiki-Leaks and read more if you need more. The fact is the Democrat national Committee was working for Clinton and not for the party and those who were vying for the candidacy. All this was against their own rules to remain there to support all, equally, to gain the nomination. A rigged system, which Hillary Clinton ran and benefited from.

What was the response from Clinton and the DNC to their manipulating the primary to bring Hillary the crown? The Russians did it! The dirty Russians exposed these emails. Refusing to answer to the rigging of the primaries they chose to lie about who exposed their crimes rather than face their own music of their own making.

It does not matter what brave souls brought the truth to light Hillary, it matter what the light has shown.

Bernie Sanders has been read the riot act and taken the bones the Clinton’s offered. He has said he knew it was rigged but with his newfound wealth he is still promoting the very party and people who rigged it so he could not get the nomination. It might be said he sold out as he stays with a subversive political party that worked so hard to deny him any press, except bad press, and turned his back on his supporters and his own ideals to now support the very travesty that denied him his candidacy. It is a shame because Sanders would have been an easy shoe in for winning the election.

Now with both Trump and Sanders being proved correct that the political system is rigged only Trump is left standing. NYCTV went out on a limb some months ago supporting Trump for President. We believe we made the right decision and hope that you will too. The choice is between a known corruption and a mystery. We take the mystery that will be Trump.

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