New York Cuomo To Crush Open Internet – Craig’s List

Internet Censorship Cuomo Crucible

New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo is leading a charge with Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal to crush the San Francisco based Craig’s List. Over 40 states have joined the witch-hunt. Cuomo has decided that porn ads, prostitution ads, gay ads should only be allowed in local print newspapers and not on the Internet.

From the depths of dementia Andrew Cuomo has decided to crush the open access to information supplied by Craig’s list. At issue here is a baby-sitting ad that resulted in a murder and a gay man looking for gay fun.

40 years ago one was warned about the possibility of murder or other nefarious deeds that occurred through newspaper personal advertising but no one shut down the newspapers or forced them to do background checks of those advertising. A simple warning that none of the advertising was part of the publisher was sufficient. But now General Cuomo has divided this to be his crusade.

While only 4 incidents are reported over the 50 million postings and 6 years of growth governments are pointedly trying to use this tiny anomalies to push through restrictive legislation that will curtail and shift investigations into criminal activity from the police and state onto private website owners.

It may be very telling that the Village Voice still produces up to 10 pages of lewd photos and services that offer more than just a handshake and has done so for years, even though crimes were committed through 100’s of their print advertisements. If you need a good massage you can pick and choose among 100’s of gay, lesbians, or even stranger, heterosexuals offers in the Village Voice. But, they are not out of the reach of government and the states want some way to put websites on strangleholds and get authority and jurisdiction over them no matter where they live and work.

Another blow from government to the few threads of freedom left in the USA and our own Andrew Cuomo, from the royal New York Cuomo family, has decided Craig’s list will be his ticket to the governorship. We hope Craig’s list tells Cuomo where to get off.

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