Spitzer Spins Prostitutes

By: Randy Penn
No Surprise for New Yorkers

Eliot Spitzer started his career with hookers and it may be ending with hookers. Today it was announced that Eliot Spitzer was alledged to be an constant participant in a high priced hooker heaven. Eliot Spitzer started as state attorney investigation prostitutes working his way up to white-collar hookers and to the Governors mansion.

Sweeping into one of the most corrupt governments in the world with the promise to clean up (how many times have you heard that and swallowed?) after going after some small time corruption in Wall Street. Eventually getting a free Ipod for his efforts. Eliot Spitzer is best know to New Yorkers as the Attorney General that ignored all crimes surrounding 9/11 and they are not happy.

When we saw Spitzer hook up with the known privateer and hungry wannabee illuminati Andrew Rasiej to push the pyramid scheme for WiFi we could see the private club stamp all over their "issues."

Eliot Spitzer is expected to also testify to a committee he set up with people he hand picked to investigate his own crimes in mis-use of state funds for his personal entourage. We think the ability to pick your own investigators might make some difference.

While Spitzer fights to maintain the façade of the crime crusader that Time Magazine tried to push on as his public image there is little hope that he can maintain his virginity in this whore affair.

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