No Change In US Policy From Democrats - Crime As Usual

By: Randy Penn


Democrats discount impeachment and the talk is of troop surge. The War goes on.

With the return this weekend of the new Defense Secretary Robert Gates from Iraq the discerning mind attempts to understand the scuttlebutt that is making the rounds.

While "Public discontent with the Iraq war led to crushing losses for Bush's Republican party in the November congressional elections. The war has killed nearly 3,000 U.S. soldiers and tens of thousands of Iraqis." (1) the newly elected party who is supposed to save the day and bring the will of the people ends up on the other team after all.

Democrats took hold of Congress on a ticket to end the war and impeach both the president and vice president for the crimes and misdemeanors committed in office and their shredding of the Constitutional freedoms of all Americans.

The very first thing done by Democrats is to inform the people that while they elected them to do these things they are part of the same team as the Republicans. The American Corporate Team. Ready to make sure corporate interests continue the subjugation they have for over a century in our nation.

What we will see in the next months is an increase in troops shipped to Iraq, and increase in dead young Americans, an increase in angry Arabs whose land is invaded, more talk or installation of the draft, and of course no impeachment of any kind or pursuit of crimes against the Constitutional rights and liberties committed by the government.

What did you expect? Most of the Congress was already in there as Democrats and voted for all the horrible bills from the Patriot I and II to the Military injustice laws that are now able to touch average Americans.

Reference: Bush, Gates confer on Iraq amid talk of troop surge

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