Politicians Above The Law - Dirty NY Politics

By: Randy Penn
NEW YORK,NY Press Governor Paterson Silent on Resignation

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Politicians Above The Law - Dirty NY Politics The state of New York has had many problems since it was conceived the Empire State. The dirt and machine politics fabricated through the last century are woven like a matrix of deceit and insider pork bellies.

Eliot Spitzer was a leader of these insiders. The man with the golden spoon who was groomed into politics through old family blood and corruptions like one reads about in old seamy European history books. Eliot Spitzer really did no crime and was simply caught up in the illegal spying of the President (soon to be made legal by the Democratic run federal corporation).

If Eliot Spitzer’s crime was to buy sex from an outside source he has done nothing any one of us would be arrested or blamed for. The woman would be taken in, put before a judge, and given a fine before let back to turn her wares. No, if Eliot Spitzer had to resign for buying favors from a woman then perhaps it should equally apply to the new Governor.

Both seemed to have continuous sexual philandering for the past ten years. While Spitzer's wife has not admitted the same philandering David Patterson’s wife has teemed in that she is equal to the task. So New Yorkers who were fed one self-righteous philanderer when they thought they had a real moral upper hand are now fed something that is actually worse. An immoral husband and wife who cheat and lie to each other while they snort cocaine and smoke pot. While they do all this the rest of the subjects are arrested for the same and put in jail for life. Their lives are ruined. How is yours going Dave?

Besides both Ms, and David Paterson spending most of their time in outside sexual encounters David Paterson often uses his employees. State employees who work for him that now gives rise to more than his sexual desire as he uses his insider status for more than just a free meal.

Days after these revelations of adultery and philandering David Paterson, the top law of the state, admits he is a user of cocaine and marijuana. Without a wink or a flinch the man whose own state Rockefeller laws tell him to lock himself up for life with no parole for that cocaine abuse alone goes on to gallantly admit to such criminal behavior and remain the trusted leader of the State. He did not apologize or make any statement about his breaking the law and the irony of his being the governor of those abusive laws.

David Paterson has done far worse than Eliot Spitzer and is just staying there in office, a pinnacle of adultery, drug abuse and cheating. He is the last vestige of the powerful that are trying to let this all blow by to keep power in a corrupt state oligarchy.

If we are to be subjected to rulers who stand above the laws they inflict on others we are back to the days of Kings and serfs. It is we serfs who would go to jail for what a governor can just do behind closed doors with state police protecting them and laws that do not apply to them.

When is David Paterson going to resign?

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